The following is a list of Buzz Out Loud episodes that aired in September 2006.
Episode Guides
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- Jan - 1380 -
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- Sept - 1054 - 1074
- Aug - 1032 - 1053
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- March - 921 - 942
- Feb - 902 - 920
- Jan - 883 - 901
- Dec - 862 - 882
- Nov - 844 - 861
- Oct - 821 - 843
- Sept - 800 - 820
- Aug - 779 - 799
- Jul - 757 - 778
- Jun - 736 - 756
- May - 715 - 735
- Apr - 693 - 714
- March - 672 - 692
- Feb - 652 - 671
- Jan - 632 - 651
- Dec - 615 - 631
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- Oct - 572 - 594
- Sept - 552 - 571
- Aug - 529 - 551
- July - 508 - 528
- June - 486 - 507
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- Apr - 443 - 463
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- Nov - 346 - 366
- Oct - 324 - 345
- Sept - 304 - 323
- Aug - 281 - 303
- July - 262 - 280
- June - 240 - 261
- May - 218 - 239
- Apr - 198 - 217
- March - 176 - 197
- Feb - 156 - 175
- Jan - 136 - 155*
Ep # | Title | Original Airdate | Link | MP3 |
304 | Apple vs. Wal-Mart: smackdown! | Friday, September 1, 2006 | [1] | [2] |
Rumor on September 12 Apple may announce a movie download service with LIONSGATE and Walt Disney which is making Wal-Mart mad. Intel may lay of 10,000 jobs as soon as Tuesday which calculate out to be around 10% of the work force the layoffs will most likely be in the marking and sales departments. A viruses that was release 2 years ago top the virus list.PS3 will not be shipping with and HDMI cable. Samsung Claims to have crack 4G but no one’s know what it its and there is no such standards yet. Pluto is try to make a comeback. Bounce Mini Molly Rant. T-Shirt Winner: Dave the Psychologist. | ||||
305 | Coming soon: Gspy? | Tuesday, September 5, 2006 | [3] | [4] |
Rumor apple is having an event on September 12 and its title “It’s Show Time”. A press release from the Diffusion group shows that about 14% of broadband users are interested in paying about 15 for a Itunes movie downloads. The register is report that Google is using user PC microphone to collect data on user’s environments to get targeted ads. SanDisk face license problems over mp3 license. Browsar claims it will erase you data but it doesn’t and it looks like it maybe spyware. | ||||
306 | Sony ruins Christmas | Wednesday, September 6, 2006 | [5] | [6] |
A short description for this episode has not yet been provided. | ||||
307 | DRM trumps your security | Thursday, September 7, 2006 | [7] | [8] |
A short description for this episode has not yet been provided. | ||||
308 | Stay away from Amazon Unbox | Friday, September 8, 2006 | [9] | [10] |
A short description for this episode has not yet been provided. | ||||
309 | RIAA ain't got nuthin' | Monday, September 11, 2006 | [11] | [12] |
A short description for this episode has not yet been provided. | ||||
310 | Apple iTV, told ya | Tuesday, September 12, 2006 | [13] | [14] |
A short description for this episode has not yet been provided. | ||||
311 | Embroidery is a crime | Wednesday, September 13, 2006 | [15] | [16] |
A short description for this episode has not yet been provided. | ||||
312 | Wii want it | Thursday, September 14, 2006 | [17] | [18] |
A short description for this episode has not yet been provided. | ||||
313 | Tom hates hydrogen | Friday, September 15, 2006 | [19] | [20] |
A short description for this episode has not yet been provided. | ||||
Extra | Interview with Steve Wozniak | Friday, September 15, 2006 | [21] | [22] |
A short description for this episode has not yet been provided. | ||||
314 | Mmmmm...pi | Monday, September 18, 2006 | [23] | [24] |
A short description for this episode has not yet been provided. | ||||
315 | You'll ne'er get me buried booty! | Tuesday, September 19, 2006 | [25] | [26] |
A short description for this episode has not yet been provided. | ||||
316 | Sorry, Zune, our bad | Wednesday, September 20, 2006 | [27] | [28] |
A short description for this episode has not yet been provided. | ||||
317 | We're going to Yale! | Thursday, September 21, 2006 | [29] | [30] |
A short description for this episode has not yet been provided. | ||||
318 | The government's disposable laptops | Friday, September 22, 2006 | [31] | [32] |
A short description for this episode has not yet been provided. | ||||
319 | Wal-Mart on the warpath | Monday, September 25, 2006 | [33] | [34] |
A short description for this episode has not yet been provided. | ||||
320 | Three words: zero-gravity surgery | Tuesday, September 26, 2006 | [35] | [36] |
A short description for this episode has not yet been provided. | ||||
321 | Microsoft protects your porn | Wednesday, September 27, 2006 | [37] | [38] |
A short description for this episode has not yet been provided. | ||||
322 | Never say never, Lenovo | Thursday, September 28, 2006 | [39] | [40] |
A short description for this episode has not yet been provided. | ||||
323 | Earwigs in space | Friday, September 29, 2006 | [41] | [42] |
A short description for this episode has not yet been provided. |