Buzz Out Loud Wiki

The following is a list of Buzz Out Loud episodes that aired in September 2005.


Episode numbers listed in italics have not yet been audibly confirmed.


Episode Guides
Most Recent On Top

  • Dec - 1361 - 1379
  • Nov - 1346 - 1360
  • Oct - 1325 - 1345
  • Sept - 1304 - 1324
  • Aug - 1282 - 1303
  • Jul - 1261 - 1281
  • Jun - 1239 - 1260
  • May - 1219 - 1238
  • Apr - 1197 - 1218
  • March - 1175 - 1196
  • Feb - 1156 - 1174
  • Jan - 1038 - 1155

  • Dec - 1116 - 1137
  • Nov - 1097 - 1115
  • Oct - 1075 - 1096
  • Sept - 1054 - 1074
  • Aug - 1032 - 1053
  • Jul - 1009 - 1031
  • Jun - 986 - 1008
  • May - 965 - 985
  • Apr - 943 - 964
  • March - 921 - 942
  • Feb - 902 - 920
  • Jan - 883 - 901




Ep # Title Original Airdate Link MP3
55 The Internet is alive in New Orleans. Thursday, September 1, 2005 N/A [1]
Blogging from within NOLA, VoIP on the rise, and Creative’s virus issues.
56 More Apple speculation, and the NARCBOX. Friday, September 2, 2005 N/A [2]
Molly bashes various technologies, and we make up words.
57 Will Apple be good? Because Yahoo's been bad. Tuesday, September 6, 2005 N/A [3]
Big Apple announcement tomorrow! Yahoo gives us reasons to cringe. Also, help Molly pick a laptop!
58 Nano Nano! Wednesday, September 7, 2005 N/A [4]
New iPod, new iPod phone, new iTunes! Oh, and some other stuff too.
59 TV talk with John Falcone! Thursday, September 8, 2005 N/A [5]
Special guest John Falcone talks TVs, more Apple and Google news, and Yahoo! getting more evil.
60 Your in-flight complimentary podcast. Friday, September 9, 2005 N/A [6]
Molly and Tom fly to Georgia, and dicuss some of the more amusing news of the day.
61 Tom's Technology Monologue. Tuesday, September 13, 2005 N/A [7]
A smorgasbord of news from Tom, including our impending robot takeover.
62 TiVo Revolt! Wednesday, September 14, 2005 N/A [8]
After the rumors we’ve heard about TiVo, it looks like we may be crawling back to good ol’ VCR (we never stopped loving you).
63 You win this round, Microsoft. Thursday, September 15, 2005 N/A [9]
And you guys thought we were biased.
64 Wave your hands in the air! Friday, September 16, 2005 N/A [10]
That new Nintendo Revolution controller is crazy. Also, super Nanos on the horizon?
65 Mobile music. Who needs it? Tuesday, September 20, 2005 N/A [11]
Steve Jobs doesn’t want you to pay too much (since when?), and Microsoft is losing the war for world domination.
66 Put down the DS while driving, please. Wednesday, September 21, 2005 N/A [12]
Put down the DS while driving, please.
67 Molly hearts Treo FOREVER! Thursday, September 22, 2005 N/A [13]
RFID is already crackable, and maybe some certain companies should listen to us before their next big product line.
68 DRMapalooza! Monday, September 26, 2005 N/A [14]
DRM in some of its wonderful forms, and also a little minor censorship on JetBlue that doesn’t seem so bad when you really think about it.
69 Plucky RIAA won't give up. Tuesday, September 27, 2005 N/A [15]
Without Molly around, Tom takes the opportunity to dicuss the RIAA and all of its intricacies.
70 The scoop on iPod Nano scratches. Wednesday, September 28, 2005 N/A [16]
James Kim, editor at CNET, talks about some issues with the iPod Nano screens with Tom.
71 Firefox hits the wall. Thursday, September 29, 2005 N/A [17]
Firefox growth stalls, much to the dismay of people who hate Microsoft.
72 Death of the PC Friday, September 30, 2005 N/A [18]
Are laptops taking over the world?