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Ep # Title Original Airdate Link MP3
1075 One laptop per felon Thursday, October 1, 2009 [1] [2]
Or perhaps we should call it OLPC. One laptop per criminal. The idea of letting prisoners use computers is good, but fraught with peril. Also, we start a new PSA campaign where Billy learns that e-mail can be dangerous. And that's one to grow on.

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1076 You got served, through Twitter Friday, October 2, 2009 [3] [4]
In the U.K., you don't have to be in the presence of someone to serve them with legal papers. So now Twitter has become a way to get served. We also are happy that the U.S. government is taking cybersecurity seriously, but maybe they could lay off with the cyber prefix a little. And we try to care more about the Palm Pixi. We really do.

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1077 Analysts: Cyberproving the obvious Monday, October 5, 2009 [5] [6]
An analyst from Morgan Stanley asserts that Apple would sell more iPhones if it offered the phone on more carriers. Really? Wow. We also have an example of a church leader misusing the prefix "cyber." But that's not as crazy as IBM taking on Google. Or is it?

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1078 Smokinger gun Tuesday, October 6, 2009 [7] [8]
Viacom may have found a smoking gun in its billion-dollar case against YouTube, but on the other hand, we speculate YouTube may have a smokinger gun. Also the FTC wants you to disclose all that money you've been paid to blog about cleaning products. Or whatever. Even if you just posted on Facebook. You need to make yourself aware of these rules.

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1079 Bing's still pooping his diapers Wednesday, October 7, 2009 [9] [10]
There's a little panic over the fact that Bing's market share dropped last month, but you have to remember, folks, Bing is young. Rafe puts it in perspective for us. Also, Kindle gets a price cut and goes worldwide, yo. That's big. What is also big is the keylogger network that's hijacking everyone's Web mail accounts. We can help you out with that, a bit.

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1080 Blow up the Moon Thursday, October 8, 2009 [11] [12]
NASA is sending a rocket into the Moon Friday morning in order to study the composition of lunar material. But really, you stopped listening when you heard 'blow up the Moon.' Adn so did Cooley. Which for one small second, made him love space. We also talk about the world's largest Phishing sting and Windows 8. Yep. 8.

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1081 Rafe's last day on Comcast Friday, October 9, 2009 [13] [14]
Rafe wonders what could possibly go wrong with Comcast monitoring its users to protect them from malware. In the process, Rafe makes a few comments that have us wondering whether he'll return home to any Internet service at all. Barnes and Noble is rumored to be rolling out an Android e-book reader, while Steve Ballmer claims that the PC is the best e-book reader.

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1082 Just another outage Monday Monday, October 12, 2009 [15] [16]
First, apologies for the song that will be stuck in your head for at least a week. Blame the chat room. In the news today, the T-Mobile Sidekick outage, the ongoing Facebook outage, the IBM outage that briefly crippled Air New Zealand, and the unbelievable failure that is the PSP Go launch. It's a fun show.

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1083 MP3 is a lie Tuesday, October 13, 2009 [17] [18]
Yes, Nokia launched a new Netbook, and yes, Twitter fought the law and won. But it wasn't until the end of today's show that we finally get to the bottom of a long-running controversy: MP3s don't do what they promise. Jason and Brian explain why.

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1084 TI don't be a 8008 Wednesday, October 14, 2009 [19] [20]
Calculator hackers have figured out how to run independent OS's on TI calculators. Unfortunately TI wants to stop them. Why? We have no idea. Also we play fast and loose with physics when discussing black holes and Higgs Bosons. We also totally redefined the word mint. In a bad way unfortunately.

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Web Exclusive

1085 Amazon, I need a refill Thursday, October 15, 2009 [21] [22]
Amazon announced same-day delivery for certain areas today, although we're not sure if you can buy wines by the glass. We also cover the BlackBerry Storm and Motorola Cliq announcements. Guess which one we like better? And the Danger Sidekick tale continues.

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1086 Beating a dead parse Friday, October 16, 2009 [23] [24]
Mozilla is upset about the browser ballot screen because it's alphabetical, left to right, by manufacturer. That means Apple gets the prime spot. We think that's parsing the screen too closely. So we decide to parse it even more! And we also reinvent battery technology and solve America's Internet problems. And can you believe it? We even do more. It's true.

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1087 Google's leaky cloud Monday, October 19, 2009 [25] [26]
Have a Google Voicemail account? Have some voicemails in there? I may have listened to them today! Thanks to some leaks in the Google cloud (rain?) it seems some folks voicemails are searchable on Google. Glad that eye appointment went well! Also Verizon and Motorola are bringing it to the iPhone. But will Verizon have to make a switch next year if the rumors are true?

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Web Exclusive

1088 RAID your brain server Tuesday, October 20, 2009 [27] [28]
New technology allows organic brain cells to control robots leading us to conclude that eventually we'll all be brains in a data center. Also Apple announces a bunch of updates to their computer line as well as a new magic mouse. And the PS3 is now the King of the console hill. Who saw that coming?

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Web Exclusive

1089 Net neutrality double rant Wednesday, October 21, 2009 [29] [30]
Molly and I go off on the Net neutrality debate, not so much about what the meaning of it is, but more on why you shouldn't use lies to defend your position. We also discuss the attractiveness of the Nook from Barnes and Noble, and Molly and Rafe have a BlackBerry fight. About the phones. Not the fruit.

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1090 Screw Windows 7, time to hype Windows 8 Thursday, October 22, 2009 [31] [32]
OK yeah, we talk about Windows 7 and it's lovefest but it's so over. Time to get into the rumor mill again for the Windows 8 release. Why is Microsoft being so quiet about it?! We also cover the unnatural marriage of Verizon and Google over Net Neutrality. And Craigslist is not a pimp according to the law.

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1091 The French Disconnection Friday, October 23, 2009 [33] [34]
So the French have passed a three strikes law that will disconnect your Internet if accused three times of piracy. At least there's some judicial review. Also John McCain moves against Net Neutrality and Windows 7 seems to truly be good news for Microsoft.

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Web Exclusive

1092 The slippery Slate Monday, October 26, 2009 [35] [36]
Bill Keller from the New York Times let slip he's been working on a version of the New York Times for the Apple Slate. Great! What the hell is the Apple Slate? well obviously it's a much-rumored Apple Tablet. We also discuss T-Mobile's unlimited plans and hope against all hopes that they are truly unlimited.

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1093 E-book Mania Tuesday, October 27, 2009 [37] [38]
MySpace and Facebook are hooking up? In a way. Maybe. But the real meat of the news today is all the e-book hype. Barnes and Noble will sell the Que, Bridgestone has a color one coming out, and Barnes and Noble may not always have its own Nook eReader. But does anyone want them?

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1094 Crushing on the Droid Wednesday, October 28, 2009 [39] [40]
Rafe is being drawing in to a love story with the new Motorola Droid. Dare we call it a Dro-mance? It's certainly a flashy new phone for Verizon which hasn't always been known for flashy new phones. We also congratulate Google on getting the contract to provide email to the city of Los Angeles. Well congratulate and fear for them. Because if they mess this up, it is so over.

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Web Exclusive

1095 The Phrase that Pays from Amazon Thursday, October 29, 2009 [41] [42]
Amazon's trying to compete with PayPal with a new service that brings one-click shopping into the rest of the non-Amazon world. We also kick around a rumor of Netflix coming to the Wii and discuss Google and Yahoo music searches. Oh, and then Cooley and I get deep about business models and copyright. That's near the end, though--if you don't like lectures.

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1096 Unzipping your genes Friday, October 30, 2009 [43] [44]
Turns out those terahertz scanners in the airports are mostly safe, but they do a little unzipping of your DNA. Derek says it's nothing to worry about; you won't grow a third arm in the airport--even if it would be handy for carrying baggage. We also find out e-mail isn't private. Did we need the courts to tell us that? And Facebook gets $711 million it will never see.

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