The following is a list of Buzz Out Loud episodes that aired in July 2005.
Episode numbers listed in italics have not yet been audibly confirmed.
Episode Guides
Most Recent On Top
- Jan - 1380 -
- Dec - 1361 - 1379
- Nov - 1346 - 1360
- Oct - 1325 - 1345
- Sept - 1304 - 1324
- Aug - 1282 - 1303
- Jul - 1261 - 1281
- Jun - 1239 - 1260
- May - 1219 - 1238
- Apr - 1197 - 1218
- March - 1175 - 1196
- Feb - 1156 - 1174
- Jan - 1038 - 1155
- Dec - 1116 - 1137
- Nov - 1097 - 1115
- Oct - 1075 - 1096
- Sept - 1054 - 1074
- Aug - 1032 - 1053
- Jul - 1009 - 1031
- Jun - 986 - 1008
- May - 965 - 985
- Apr - 943 - 964
- March - 921 - 942
- Feb - 902 - 920
- Jan - 883 - 901
- Dec - 862 - 882
- Nov - 844 - 861
- Oct - 821 - 843
- Sept - 800 - 820
- Aug - 779 - 799
- Jul - 757 - 778
- Jun - 736 - 756
- May - 715 - 735
- Apr - 693 - 714
- March - 672 - 692
- Feb - 652 - 671
- Jan - 632 - 651
- Dec - 615 - 631
- Nov - 595 - 614
- Oct - 572 - 594
- Sept - 552 - 571
- Aug - 529 - 551
- July - 508 - 528
- June - 486 - 507
- May - 464 - 485
- Apr - 443 - 463
- March - 421 - 441
- Feb - 402 - 420
- Jan - 382 - 401
- Dec - 367 - 381
- Nov - 346 - 366
- Oct - 324 - 345
- Sept - 304 - 323
- Aug - 281 - 303
- July - 262 - 280
- June - 240 - 261
- May - 218 - 239
- Apr - 198 - 217
- March - 176 - 197
- Feb - 156 - 175
- Jan - 136 - 155*
Ep # | Title | Original Airdate | Link | MP3 |
30 | Slingbox, i730, and some mapping stuff. Mmm-hmm. | Friday, July 1, 2005 | N/A | [1] |
Molly reports on her trip to the O’Reilly Where 2.0 conference. A Slingbox review. Samsung i730 phone draws Molly’s attention. | ||||
31 | When does software taste like brownies?? | Wednesday, July 6, 2005 | N/A | [2] |
Molly rant on using unprotected Wi-Fi, is it theft? European parliament rejects software patents. PSP has been cracked again. Opera has added bit torrent to their browser. Google toolbar will soon come to Firefox. | ||||
32 | Does Apple do cellphones? They mightý | Friday, July 8, 2005 | N/A | [3] |
London bombing reactions. Sprint and T-Mobile can share pictures. Forbes says Apple may make a phone? Carriers stifle innovations so Apple may become a phone company. Motion LS800 Tablet Computer draws Molly’s attention. | ||||
33 | Microsoft shenanigans, leaky Netflix and robots | Monday, July 11, 2005 | N/A | [4] |
The first time “Potcast of indeterminate length” is used at the top of the show. Clarian (Gator) is no longer spyware according to Microsoft. Microsoft shows Linux to a Microsoft partners conference. Netflix leaks its download movie player. Wal-Mart says no to robots? | ||||
34 | Here's hoping for no BSOD in your car! | Wednesday, July 13, 2005 | N/A | [5] |
Discovery shuttle lunch is scrubbed. Talking on cell phones while driving. Hang up and drive. Windows Automotive 5.0 released. No more analog TV in 2009. | ||||
35 | Verizon vs. Junxion Box | Friday, July 15, 2005 | N/A | [6] |
Tom and Tim Moynihan hosts. Verizon says don’t share your EVDO connection via Wi-Fi. US wants to retain control of the ICANN and the internet. Battlestar Galactica season two starts and OS/2 dies. | ||||
36 | Video on iPods, Microsoft's latest evil plan | Monday, July 18, 2005 | N/A | [7] |
The first show longer then ten minutes. Veronica speaks on mike for the first time. Video iPod coming in September? Microsoft wants to do video too. Discussion on DRM in video. Birds mimics ring tones and car alarms. | ||||
37 | Are you slacking at work? No, seriously. Are you? | Thursday, July 21, 2005 | N/A | [8] |
Tom talks about his Moto Razr, pretty but dumb. Lost productivity study debunked by Ars Technica. Firefox problem fixes have problems. Companies should listen more to their customers. Veronica’s birthday. | ||||
38 | Vista? Seriously? Yep, Vista. | Monday, July 25, 2005 | N/A | [9] |
Microsoft Longhorn gets renamed to Vista. Tom and Molly hate it. Lots of name conflicts with Vista. Cell phones used to track MIT volunteers. Russian spammer murdered. Telus blocks communication workers strike web site. | ||||
39 | More vista, more Razor, more moon! | Wednesday, July 27, 2005 | N/A | [10] |
ITunes feed is now fixed. Vista beta review posted at c/net. Open letter to Hillary on her video game attack. Trip makes is first call, names ToMolly, he thinks that the Razr is not that bad. $100 million to get to the moon on a Russian rocket. | ||||
40 | We fight the law | Friday, July 29, 2005 | N/A | [11] |
Lots of email on the Vista name. SysAdmin day, thanks for all the packets. Michael Lynn and Cisco in a tussle over his Black Hat presentation. Makers of Grand Theft Auto sued over hidden sex seen. The Way Back Machine is useful for lawyers. |