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Ep # | Title | Original Airdate | Link | MP3 |
902 | How to cook a Wooly Mammoth | Monday, February 2, 2009 | [1] | [2] |
Let's be clear: we don't know how to cook a Mammoth. But Natali would like to know, because apparently she eats her pets. That is not true at all. But what is true is Google turned the whole Internet into malware this weekend. And that we can tell you why. And will. So listen in. | ||||
903 | Moons over my HAM radio | Tuesday, February 3, 2009 | [3] | [4] |
While we inadvertently promote a chain restaurant's free luncheon, we also talk a lot about space. Which annoys Brian Cooley to no end. We talk about Google Mars, and contacting the ISS and the NASA-sponsored Singularity university. But he gets his revenge when he announces the retirement of the inventor of the BMW-butt. | ||||
904 | Bat'leth bandit | Wednesday, February 4, 2009 | [5] | [6] |
While there are stories about Windows 7, the FCC investigating Cox Cable, and the Palm Pre launching in March, you really need to listen to the story of the Klingon who robbed a convenience store. Really. | ||||
905 | Buzz off malaria | Thursday, February 5, 2009 | [7] | [8] |
We were really thinking about calling this episode something to do with prehistoric snake. Because Natali is very into the prehistoric snakes. Although she can't kill them. Instead we discuss Bill Gates releasing mosquitoes at TED, the Congress sort of delaying the DTV transition, and Google trying to steal your health information. | ||||
906 | Mail-order mice | Friday, February 6, 2009 | [9] | [10] |
We learn that, among other things, Rafe is trained in psychology and yearns to order mice. But we also kick around the meaning of security in Google Earth and Windows 7 and take up the cause of the wireless ISP in your neighborhood. | ||||
907 | Sealed mummies (eat as is) | Monday, February 9, 2009 | [11] | [12] |
Once again we find something that Natali can't cook: mummies. But she does suggest they be used as jerky. Don't worry, we also have lots of thoughts about the Kindle 2 and Psystar's suit against Apple. Plus, somebody owns the name Netbook. Is that allowed? | ||||
908 | Kids, you're both pretty | Tuesday, February 10, 2009 | [13] | [14] |
To avoid a trademark problem should we call it gnetbook, pnetbook or knetbook? Cooley thinks all the ideas are pretty. Google wants to mind your power for you, but if they treat that data like they do your posts on blogger you may find your dryer deleted without notice. | ||||
909 | The 404 hacks Natali's computer | Wednesday, February 11, 2009 | [15] | [16] |
While I got a little steamed at the Author's Guild, and Natali essentially admitted she's a runaway bride, the big event in this show is the possessed computer. It appears some 404 friends of guest Jeff Bakalar monkeyed with Nat's computer during the show. Unprofessional, I say! We will get to the bottom of this. | ||||
910 | Palm grows a pair | Thursday, February 12, 2009 | [17] | [18] |
We debate the proper pronunciation of WebOS from Palm. Does it rhyme with Huevos? In any case, Palm has killed the old Palm OS, so may it rest in peace. We also analyze the state of the TV industry. LCD shipments are down, so everybody's getting out of the plasma business? I guess that's why I'm not CEO of an electronics company. | ||||
911 | Giggles per dollar | Friday, February 13, 2009 | [19] | [20] |
Nintendo is smashing the competition in game consoles and Rafe thinks he knows the reason why. The G/D ratio will probably become a new economic leading indicator. We also determine just how long you should wait for Windows 7. And by determine, I mean Rafe and I fight over it and I win. And what do you think of the Microsoft store? | ||||
912 | Where's the sex in 'Highlander?' | Tuesday, February 17, 2009 | [21] | [22] |
That and other important questions are answered in today's show, where we're joined by John C. Dvorak in dissecting the new Facebook Terms of Service, the New Zealand blackout over copyright law, and the last-minute saving of SiriusXM. Also, give your boys the violent video games. They need them. | ||||
913 | Purple-footed and pregnant | Wednesday, February 18, 2009 | [23] | [24] |
A new medical wiki will tell you why you shouldn't have painted your sister's toes purple, but apparently all online medical advice pages tell Natali she's pregnant. She's not. Facebook also backed down on its terms of service and Telstra is in trouble with Microsoft. | ||||
914 | Natali is all wrestle and no cuddle | Thursday, February 19, 2009 | [25] | [26] |
In this episode we find out that Hulu might be getting stomped, the government is spying on you through DTV boxes, and Natali prefers wrestling to cuddling. Seriously. She just doesn't like the word cuddling. But when a wrestling match offers to advertise Buzz Out Loud she's all for it. | ||||
915 | Braising Arizona | Friday, February 20, 2009 | [27] | [28] |
This is a long one folks. We get a little yelly about online video, The Pirate Bay, and HDTVs in hotels. When we get to the space-based solar array that beams power to Earth by microwave, Rafe suggests turning the state of Arizona into a microwave hot spot. Sorry Arizonans. Enjoy. | ||||
916 | Fiber to the butt | Monday, February 23, 2009 | [29] | [30] |
Natali opens with some rage against Verizon Fios over a billing problem after she canceled the service. She feels somehow, well...Jason explains it best in the show. We also get a Molly rant over Ireland's new content filtering on the Internet and TechCrunch's reporting that Last.FM was giving data to the RIAA. Which it was not. | ||||
917 | It's all bad Apples today! | Tuesday, February 24, 2009 | [31] | [32] |
Brian Tong is here today, but even so, we STILL hate on the new Safari beta and even Snow Leopard...just a little bit. Plus, Tom drops by with his Kindle 2, Microsoft decides its laid-off employees can keep their money, and Vudu is selling HD movies. You know, if you want them. | ||||
918 | The incredible, edible car | Wednesday, February 25, 2009 | [33] | [34] |
Within 15 years, cars will be made of seaweed, but will they be edible? That's your next task, auto industry. We also make book recommendations, give medical advice, and generally just try to help. Oh, and we talk about exploding donut factories. | ||||
919 | Magnets on crocodiles | Thursday, February 26, 2009 | [35] | [36] |
So, in Florida they're taping magnets to crocodiles heads to keep them from moving back to suburbia. It's also last call for Vista, with SP2 released to developers. And we talk about good sex and how it shouldn't be filtered in Australia. Oh, and flying cars. Of course. | ||||
920 | Speak for yourself, Kindle | Friday, February 27, 2009 | [37] | [38] |
The authors Guild might be afraid of the robotic voice of the Kindle, but Wil Wheaton sure isn't. Neilsen lays a bombshell with the news that job search sites have increased traffic because of, you guessed it, these troubled times. And Hearst is planning their own large format e-reader for their magazines. |