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Ep # Title Original Airdate Link MP3
1116 Humanity annoys Natali Tuesday, December 1, 2009 [1] [2]
Yahoo and Google have released their top search terms of the year and no surprise, it's full of pop culture icons and references. Which makes Natali mad. Also making people mad is the new Microsoft black screen of death which Microsoft still doesn't see. Also YouTube wants back into the TV business. But this time the aim to do it legally and charge you.

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1117 There will be Facebook Groups! Wednesday, December 2, 2009 [3] [4]
Facebook's changing their privacy policy, and Molly and Rafe predict there will be groups. I don't think anyone cares about regional groups, but hey, I could be wrong. We also talk about why Steve Jobs personally approved an app that currently doesn't work. And Richard comes up with a brilliant idea for the future of news.

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Web Exclusive

1118 The Mean Streets of Dell Thursday, December 3, 2009 [5] [6]
Turns out Dell says they never deleted complaints from their forums about throttled processors, and they're working hard to fix the issues with updated BIOS. Donald suggested that the folks who claimed they were deleted by Dell probably lost a lot of street cred. We also speculate on the meaning of the Comcast acquisition of NBC Universal. Will Heroes become more Comcastic?

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Web Exclusive

1119 Do we want Google knowing every site we go to Friday, December 4, 2009 [7] [8]
Google is opening a DNS service that will provide the service of resolving those domain names you type in, into the website servers you want to visit. But that could really give Google a complete picture of who you are. Do you want that? We also chat about the World Cup coming in 3D and the results of BitLocker encryption being broken.

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1120 Make a lot of nickels, Microsoft Monday, December 7, 2009 [9] [10]
Microsoft cancels its family licensing program and Molly decides it needs a lesson in economics. Stop focusing on dimes, Microsoft! We also plea for some common sense in the case of the woman jailed for recording some of the new "Twilight" movie at a birthday party.

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1121 There's no widget for kindness Tuesday, December 8, 2009 [11] [12]
Yahoo has a new program to spread kindness. But Cooley hates it. Why? There's no app for that. We also discover the true meaning of holiday hate when Tom and Brian fight over the rights of the customer when shopping. And we review the JooJoo and Boxee. And Natali lets on that she hates Brooklyn. At least when Brooklyn has no food.

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1122 AT&T blames the children Wednesday, December 9, 2009 [13] [14]
AT&T announced they're going to help San Francisco and New York with data coverage, but then blamed the children for all their bandwidth problems. We also take Facebook to task for their privacy handling. Nothing new there. And is the Apple Tablet coming in the spring? Will it be $1000?

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1123 Honey, what's this charge for penetration testing? Thursday, December 10, 2009 [15] [16]
A new service uses the power of 400 virtualized computers in the cloud to test the security of your WPA WiFi password. They only charge $34. But Donald is afraid of how this penetration testing might show up on his credit card bill. But forget WiFi. WiGig is coming promising 7Gbps transfer speeds. Take that Ethernet cable!

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1124 Alexandria, the greatest hard-drive crash Friday, December 11, 2009 [17] [18]
So, Apple bought Lala, and Ars Technica thinks it has a source who knows what Apple's going to do with it-- it's going to make a Web site that sells music and stores it in the cloud. Kind of like what Lala already is, but it's going to be all iTunes-ified. And that has Rafe worrying about cloud failure again. We also kvetch about Facebook, a Mozilla employee complains about Google, and the "New Moon" videotaper is set free.

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1125 Exclusive report on the Google Nexus One Monday, December 14, 2009 [19] [20]
Some enterprising hackers have rooted the Barnes & Noble Nook, giving them unrestricted access to the underlying Android operating system. Black and white tablet FTW! We also get the exclusive from Jason Howell about the new Google phone known as the Nexus One. And those crazy Scandinavians get to try out LTE first. Good on ya, Nordic peeps!

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1126 Microsoft plucks Plurk Tuesday, December 15, 2009 [21] [22]
Among the news of new URL shorteners and Australian Internet filters comes one of the darkest moments in microblogging. Microsoft has pulled down their new Twitter-like site in China because it turns out it wasn't Twitter-like at all. It was in fact more like Plurk. In fact it looked like maybe they stole Plurk's code. We also get morally outraged at good business plans. Or stupid people. Or something. Just watch. Or listen.

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1127 Microsoft and EU browser roulette begins Wednesday, December 16, 2009 [23] [24]
So the European Union and Microsoft have finally settled their differences and will begin the browser ballot with no less than 12 browsers to choose from. Is this a good thing? Also, Intel is now under the gun from the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. What did it do this time? Listen to find out. And Cherrypal is selling a $99 laptop it bills as slow and sufficient. Nice.

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1128 Should Google make its own Netbook? Thursday, December 17, 2009 [25] [26]
Rumors are that next year Google will add a Netbook brand along with its phone branding, and possibly begin a line of consumer electronics. Is that a good thing for Google? We kick around that old football. Also, Patrick from France joins us with his distinctly European perspective and we refrain from insulting each other for once. It's a brave new world!

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1129 Is Google finally too big? Friday, December 18, 2009 [27] [28]
Google is in talks to buy Yelp and it may finally be pushing the line over what's too big. Sure, a lot of you thought it was too big already, but now it's just getting ridiculous--although, I didn't like that it lost its court case in France over indexing books. We also touch on the Twitter hijacking and new 3D Blu-ray standards.

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1130 Verizon is Robbing the Hood Monday, December 21, 2009 [29] [30]
Verizon explains its early termination fee reasoning. It turns out it's just trying to help the poor. You see, when they charge these outrageous fees, it SAVES poor people money on their phones. At least as long as they don't mind being locked into a contract for years. We also rage against the Rage Against the Machine number-one non-Christmas song.

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1131 The last Word from Microsoft? Tuesday, December 22, 2009 [31] [32]
Breaking new right at the top of the show as Microsoft loses its appeal and the court rules they have to stop selling infringing copies of Microsoft Word by January 11, 2009. We also welcome the new White House security czar and the Google Yelp drama plays on. We're on break now, but we do have special episodes in the feed. We'll be back on January 4! Have a a great holiday!

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CES Preview

1132 Cutting Room Floor Wednesday, December 23, 2009 [33] [34]
The Cutting Room Floor episode is all about your unheard messages, whether you wanted them to be on the show or not.

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1133 The Web not-as-exclusive-anymore Episode Friday, December 25, 2009 [35] [36]
Ho Ho Ho. Enjoy this compilation of some of the best moments from the pre and post show discussion from our live show in 2009.

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1134 Listener Co-Host Show Monday, December 28, 2009 [37] [38]
This year, we bring Stephen (aka Darthweef), Joanne (aka Engnr_chik), Tom Merritt (the doppleganger from the UK) and Phil Barter onto the show!

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1135 Best Moments of 2009 Tuesday, December 29, 2009 [39] [40]
This year's best of show is made up entirely of clips sent to us by listeners. We selected and edited them to make a good-flowing show, but the hard work of collecting them was all on buzztown. Great job everybody! You sent some amazing clips. Stuff we would never have dug up on our own. The following people submitted clips to us by email. Thanks for all your hard work.
1136 Predictions Results for 2009 Wednesday, December 30, 2009 [41] [42]
At the beginning of 2009, we made a whole bunch of predictions about the next year in the technology space. Turns out, we are really bad at predicting things.

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1137 Tech predictions for 2010 Thursday, December 31, 2009 [43] [44]
We count down our top ten (or so) predictions in the world of technology for 2010.

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