Buzz Out Loud Wiki

The following is a list of Buzz Out Loud episodes that aired in December 2007.


Episode Guides
Most Recent On Top

  • Dec - 1361 - 1379
  • Nov - 1346 - 1360
  • Oct - 1325 - 1345
  • Sept - 1304 - 1324
  • Aug - 1282 - 1303
  • Jul - 1261 - 1281
  • Jun - 1239 - 1260
  • May - 1219 - 1238
  • Apr - 1197 - 1218
  • March - 1175 - 1196
  • Feb - 1156 - 1174
  • Jan - 1038 - 1155

  • Dec - 1116 - 1137
  • Nov - 1097 - 1115
  • Oct - 1075 - 1096
  • Sept - 1054 - 1074
  • Aug - 1032 - 1053
  • Jul - 1009 - 1031
  • Jun - 986 - 1008
  • May - 965 - 985
  • Apr - 943 - 964
  • March - 921 - 942
  • Feb - 902 - 920
  • Jan - 883 - 901


  • Dec - 615 - 631
  • Nov - 595 - 614
  • Oct - 572 - 594
  • Sept - 552 - 571
  • Aug - 529 - 551
  • July - 508 - 528
  • June - 486 - 507
  • May - 464 - 485
  • Apr - 443 - 463
  • March - 421 - 441
  • Feb - 402 - 420
  • Jan - 382 - 401


Ep # Title Original Airdate Link MP3
615 Tase me, bro Monday, December 3, 2007 [1] [2]
Rumors of DRM's demise heat up as Wal-Mart and Amazon both issue demands for DRM-free tunes. That pretty much, at least to us, signals a coming era of unfettered MP3 enjoyment. Meanwhile, Facebook advertisers flee the Beacon debacle, and yes, we're talking about Gamespot firing Jeff Gerstmann, too.
616 Losing faith in Facebook Tuesday, December 4, 2007 [3] [4]
Wow, it turns out this Beacon advertising thing is really messed up, y'all! Now Facebook has admitted that the ad service would track your purchases on third-party sites, even when you're logged off. That's evil power, right there. Speaking of evil power, it turns out that a small, power-mad cadre of paranoid editors has been secretly controlling Wikipedia via mailing list. Thought so.
617 Windows apps on a Mac? Wednesday, December 5, 2007 [5] [6]
Is Apple working to enable native Windows app compatibility in Leopard? Probably not. But that would be sweet. In other news today, Nielsen, of all sources, is preventing piracy via digital watermarking, the DOJ is all for crazy-huge punishments for copyright violation, and one little British village wants off the map.
618 Cranberry juice for copyright law Thursday, December 6, 2007 [7] [8]
Best metaphor yet for DRM sparks hilarious podcast title (if we don't say so ourselves). You'll see what we mean. Also, Facebook is really, really sorry and shows the world how to say so--they also let you turn off the Beacon ad program completely. Good call. And is a new House bill the end of free Wi-Fi hot spots?
619 Shake your boot.ini Friday, December 7, 2007 [9] [10]
Hey, man, watch where you're putting that boot.ini! If you find yourself typing it, and you're also not familiar with backslash vs. forward slash, well, then, you shouldn't be writing graphics patches for EVE online. In other news, a politician defends a poorly written law (again), the race to the moon is on, and now you can learn how to use Facebook with a "bookazine." Thank goodness?
620 Not safe for trademark Monday, December 10, 2007 [11] [12]
"Not safe for work" is a combination of words found very useful when sharing links across the Web. One of my favorite Web sites,, wants to trademark that phrase. Why? We have no clue. But it's not the stupidest thing a tech company has done today. Western Digital is selling a network attached storage device designed to make it easy to access your files from anywhere, but they're blocking access to audio and video files. This intellectual property fear is getting out of hand.
621 Get Windows for free Tuesday, December 11, 2007 [13] [14]
Get Windows for free, and get your martinis from Asimo robots. Both are a vision of a terrifying future that we're strangely OK with. Microsoft will give you free software in exchange for just a little tiny information about your activities--er, all of it. In other news, Friendster is back! Remember Friendster? They're back! Maybe.
622 Do robots sweat like electric sheep? Wednesday, December 12, 2007 [15] [16]
In today's episode of Buzz Out Loud, we replace sweatshop workers with robots, the record labels allow DRM-free MP3s on Imeem, NBC might offer HD downloads over P2P, and a Vista service pack is in the wild. It's a weird little series of Christmas miracles, is what it is.
623 Mouse ambush on a cat Thursday, December 13, 2007 [17] [18]
Today's news was not bereft of serious content. Facebook has decided to open up its app platforms to other social sites. Opera is suing Microsoft over the browser being integrated in Windows. And Laughing Squid won a staring contest with Best Buy's lawyers. However, the story that stymied us the most was the genetic manipulation of mice to make them fearless, and the question posed by Shalin about what you call mice ambushing a cat.
624 I can has monopoly? Friday, December 14, 2007 [19] [20]
So, there we were, just innocently chatting along when we suddenly identified the fact that our current economic order essentially mandates monopolies as the only fix for excessive government interference in free-market forces. It was like, so weird! Oh, and your Wii might be filling your house with cockroaches.
625 Whither Monday, December 17, 2007 [21] [22]
So CBS decided to lay off the Web site staff. Don't they have a huge fan base to serve and a big movie coming out soon? I don't understand. We also have a story about how it's OK to Google yourself. In fact, it's a good idea. And you have a Fifth Amendment right to keep your passphrase secret. Thank the Constitution!
626 Fnord Tuesday, December 18, 2007 [23] [24]
Yes, I have been outed as a fan of the Principia Discordia and the number 23. In other news today, we have a champion who will fight for you against the printer ink industry. We also wave hello to wave power and debate whether Google's getting creepy.
627 The first listener co-host show! Wednesday, December 19, 2007 [25] [26]
In this listener cohost episode, we talk tech with Alex from Miami Beach, Dave the psychologist, Remy the postman, and Lisa J.'s voice mail. Sorry, Lisa!
628 The second listener co-host show! Thursday, December 20, 2007 [27] [28]
In our second round of listener interviews, we try to pack in as many calls as possible. Today, we speak with Shalin, Tim the rocket scientist, Alex Brewer and his friend Peter, John McKenna and his mom, and DirtyPirate's voice mail.
629 Predictions results show for 2007 Wednesday, December 26, 2007 [29] [30]
We recap our predictions for 2007 and see how they panned out over the course of the year.
630 Cutting Room Floor Thursday, December 27, 2007 [31] [32]
We get a lot of voice mails every day. Most don't make it on the show. This episode is dedicated to the good, the bad, and the ugly!
631 Tech predictions for 2008 Monday, December 31, 2007 [33] [34]
Allow us to take a look in our future-telling snow globes and share with you everything notable that's to take place in 2008. Now you can't say we didn't tell you so.