Episode Guides
Most Recent On Top
- Jan - 1380 -
- Dec - 1361 - 1379
- Nov - 1346 - 1360
- Oct - 1325 - 1345
- Sept - 1304 - 1324
- Aug - 1282 - 1303
- Jul - 1261 - 1281
- Jun - 1239 - 1260
- May - 1219 - 1238
- Apr - 1197 - 1218
- March - 1175 - 1196
- Feb - 1156 - 1174
- Jan - 1038 - 1155
- Dec - 1116 - 1137
- Nov - 1097 - 1115
- Oct - 1075 - 1096
- Sept - 1054 - 1074
- Aug - 1032 - 1053
- Jul - 1009 - 1031
- Jun - 986 - 1008
- May - 965 - 985
- Apr - 943 - 964
- March - 921 - 942
- Feb - 902 - 920
- Jan - 883 - 901
- Dec - 862 - 882
- Nov - 844 - 861
- Oct - 821 - 843
- Sept - 800 - 820
- Aug - 779 - 799
- Jul - 757 - 778
- Jun - 736 - 756
- May - 715 - 735
- Apr - 693 - 714
- March - 672 - 692
- Feb - 652 - 671
- Jan - 632 - 651
- Dec - 615 - 631
- Nov - 595 - 614
- Oct - 572 - 594
- Sept - 552 - 571
- Aug - 529 - 551
- July - 508 - 528
- June - 486 - 507
- May - 464 - 485
- Apr - 443 - 463
- March - 421 - 441
- Feb - 402 - 420
- Jan - 382 - 401
- Dec - 367 - 381
- Nov - 346 - 366
- Oct - 324 - 345
- Sept - 304 - 323
- Aug - 281 - 303
- July - 262 - 280
- June - 240 - 261
- May - 218 - 239
- Apr - 198 - 217
- March - 176 - 197
- Feb - 156 - 175
- Jan - 136 - 155*
The following is a list of Buzz Out Loud episodes that aired in 2008.
Episode Guides
Most Recent On Top
- Jan - 1380 -
- Dec - 1361 - 1379
- Nov - 1346 - 1360
- Oct - 1325 - 1345
- Sept - 1304 - 1324
- Aug - 1282 - 1303
- Jul - 1261 - 1281
- Jun - 1239 - 1260
- May - 1219 - 1238
- Apr - 1197 - 1218
- March - 1175 - 1196
- Feb - 1156 - 1174
- Jan - 1038 - 1155
- Dec - 1116 - 1137
- Nov - 1097 - 1115
- Oct - 1075 - 1096
- Sept - 1054 - 1074
- Aug - 1032 - 1053
- Jul - 1009 - 1031
- Jun - 986 - 1008
- May - 965 - 985
- Apr - 943 - 964
- March - 921 - 942
- Feb - 902 - 920
- Jan - 883 - 901
- Dec - 862 - 882
- Nov - 844 - 861
- Oct - 821 - 843
- Sept - 800 - 820
- Aug - 779 - 799
- Jul - 757 - 778
- Jun - 736 - 756
- May - 715 - 735
- Apr - 693 - 714
- March - 672 - 692
- Feb - 652 - 671
- Jan - 632 - 651
- Dec - 615 - 631
- Nov - 595 - 614
- Oct - 572 - 594
- Sept - 552 - 571
- Aug - 529 - 551
- July - 508 - 528
- June - 486 - 507
- May - 464 - 485
- Apr - 443 - 463
- March - 421 - 441
- Feb - 402 - 420
- Jan - 382 - 401
- Dec - 367 - 381
- Nov - 346 - 366
- Oct - 324 - 345
- Sept - 304 - 323
- Aug - 281 - 303
- July - 262 - 280
- June - 240 - 261
- May - 218 - 239
- Apr - 198 - 217
- March - 176 - 197
- Feb - 156 - 175
- Jan - 136 - 155*
Ep # | Title | Original Airdate | Link | MP3 |
779 | Ok A moo | Friday, August 1, 2008 | [1] | [2] |
Here at Buzz Out Loud, we are shamelessly attempting to launch a meme, based on the awesome Twitter ramblings of a guy stoned off his gourd at the dentist. Quick, somebody make a Caf? Press shirt! Also, today's show is rant-central, between the news that They can take our laptops for as long as They want for no reason, Apple's killing of a short-lived iPhone-tethering app, and the U.S. Congress' mandate that our nation's schools prop up our dying music industry. Good times. | ||||
780 | Microsoft to dump Windows? | Monday, August 4, 2008 | [3] | [4] |
Details are leaking out about a post-Windows OS from Microsoft, code-name Midori, that would use virtualization and the cloud to manage your computing life. Throw in the semantic Web and you have a buzzword threefer! But, it brings up the interesting fact that Microsoft is thinking of an end of life for Windows someday. In other news, Comcast gets slapped on the wrist by the FCC but does the FCC have the authority to make the slap stick? We'll talk about it. | ||||
781 | Cablevision born again! | Tuesday, August 5, 2008 | [5] | [6] |
OK, we mean it's 'reborn,' thanks to a U.S. Court of Appeals, which reversed charges that Cablevision's remote-storage DVR violates all kinds of copyright laws. But 'born again' has some nice drama to it. But "born again" has some nice drama to it. In other news of the day, Steve Jobs admits Apple seriously biffed the MobileMe launch, and it's a pretty good internal memo, at that. In downer Apple news, no Black Hat security panel for you. Oh, and Friendster is back! With venture capital! | ||||
782 | Two-steppin' robot cows | Wednesday, August 6, 2008 | [7] | [8] |
You can lead a cow to the dance-hall, but you can't make him two-step. Unless, that is, you've got a dollop of artificial intelligence and some wraparound earphones. In technology news of the day, universities fight back against the RIAA, a cut-and-paste application appears for iPhone (and it's really, really hard), and robots learn to move themselves. | ||||
783 | Lordships for everyone | Thursday, August 7, 2008 | [9] | [10] |
Why buy the Lordship when you can just choose the title from the drop-down? Also on the show today, Black Hat 2008 shatters our faith in all that is technology (just like it does every year), and we engage in a lively discussion about the relative crappiness of the applications on the App Store, as well as the moral ramifications of Apple being able to nuke those crappy applications remotely. | ||||
784 | Border collies are the real cowboys | Friday, August 8, 2008 | [11] | [12] |
In the fine tradition of subject lines that tell you nothing about the show or clue you in to the fact that this is, in fact, a tech show. But sometimes, we also like to talk about cowboys. And dogs. And extra-malicious hackers at Black Hat, Vista security "rendered useless" by same, and the low, low interest in Blu-Ray. | ||||
785 | Don't cross the Olympic streams | Monday, August 11, 2008 | [13] | [14] |
We tried to give NBC the benefit of the doubt when it comes to Olympic streaming, but then we tried it. And it's ridiculous. Also, we wonder if the iPhone makes you fat, even as it fattens Steve Jobs' wallet. We also discuss the technicalities of invisibility cloaks, and opt-out of Obama's aggressively hip Internet outreach campaign. | ||||
786 | Do these cookies make my Google look fat? | Tuesday, August 12, 2008 | [15] | [16] |
Congress learns all about cookies (not the delicious kind...but maybe the del.icio.us kind), Gmail goes down, and Google proves to be a terrible communicator. Also, the Amazon Kindle may take off after all (har har), and Twitter baffles us completely regarding its follow/follower spam prevention thing. In sum, it's a Tuesday, but it feels like a Monday. | ||||
787 | Let me see that Tong | Wednesday, August 13, 2008 | [17] | [18] |
Brian Tong fills in for Tom Merritt in today's show and it's just as awesomely fun and crazy as you'd expect it to be. Granted, there's some news in there, too: Best Buy will start selling iPhones (yay!), more and more users, analysts, and companies are pointing to serious problems with 3G connectivity (boo), and we give our official reviews of Clone Wars and Madden. | ||||
788 | Roughing it Vegas-style | Thursday, August 14, 2008 | [19] | [20] |
Stuck in a side hall in the Las Vegas Convention Center, using borrowed equipment and sharing two power outlets among four power-hungry devices, we somehow pulled off a podcast. We talk about the plucky bravery of Psystar, the plucky bravery of the District Court, and, of course, the plucky bravery of Jason-- just because he was able to get it all to work. And a big thanks to our old friend Veronica Belmont for joining us. | ||||
789 | We like the Moon, don't break it | Friday, August 15, 2008 | [21] | [22] |
Veronica's back with us today as we record from the New Media Expo in Las Vegas. We talk about the woes of the modern Web, and specifically Netflix's problems on the back-end. Also there's some news about Windows 7, or at least news about when more news will be coming. And thankfully the IOC backed down on the DMCA takedown notice. That and some more hilarious e-mails. | ||||
790 | Netflix, FIOS, and a boyfriend | Monday, August 18, 2008 | [23] | [24] |
Natali Del Conte joins us today for a discussion of whether it's more difficult, these days, to get FIOS installed, get a Netflix disc delivered, or find a decent man in New York. No, she's not taking applications. Also, confirmation of iPhone 3G issues which Molly, stunningly, has not experienced. | ||||
791 | And the horse he rode in on | Tuesday, August 19, 2008 | [25] | [26] |
We're joined today by special guest Wil Harris from ChannelFlip.com, in what he chooses to call "British Invasion" and we choose to call "extremely welcome third voice." In the news today, MobileMe accounts are extended again, free beta style (hint hint), Muxtape bites the dust (temporarily?), and Bigfoot turns out to be a rubber costume. Astonishing. | ||||
792 | Odin's beard, what a show! | Wednesday, August 20, 2008 | [27] | [28] |
In the news today, eBay is going all fixed-price, Intel is going all Atom, hackers are all over the Chinese Olympics scandal, and U.S. consumers are all over smartphones. Plus, we learn a cool new phrase that we're hoping you'll forget you heard so that when we start saying it, you think we're really funny and clever and invented it all on our own. | ||||
793 | 19 and still single? | Thursday, August 21, 2008 | [29] | [30] |
In today's episode, we learn that Facebook's targeted ad system was apparently devised sometime in 16th century London. Also, a new PS3 bundle brings the pain (with voucher), Apple gets sued over its lousy 3G reception, and the FCC is still all over Comcast, and Comcast responds by announcing its plans to throttle (huh?). Also, we school some doctor on the deal with oxytocin. Boom. | ||||
794 | Molly bites her cheek | Friday, August 22, 2008 | [31] | [32] |
In today's show, Brian Tong fills in for Tom Merritt, Molly chews on the inside of her cheek to a painful (and accidental) degree, and we actually do talk about some tech news. Like the possibility of actors in line at Orange Poland to drum up iPhone 3G interest, streaming baseball, voting machines, and Facebook's increasingly targeted ads | ||||
795 | New Zealand judge misses entire point of Internet | Monday, August 25, 2008 | [33] | [34] |
In the news today, NBC fails to medal in its online streaming of the Olympics, but Google never fails to meddle (by driving up and down your private roads). OK, that was a Tom joke. Also, the Obama text dissected (but not in a political way), the Pentagon and its fake cat brains, and how to vote better. | ||||
796 | Is that an HTC Dream in your pocket? | Tuesday, August 26, 2008 | [35] | [36] |
In today's show, we're introduced to the concept of the "banana phone" (complete with drawings), China tells GoDaddy to Go Away, a Scottish bank sends a computer into the eBay abyss full of customer data, and Apple's latest iPhone firmware shuts down copy-and-paste. As expected, Molly blows her stack. Like, a couple times. It's crazy. | ||||
797 | The superbug of piracy | Wednesday, August 27, 2008 | [37] | [38] |
Today's BOL Theory of the Day: the RIAA's constant crackdown on sites and services that ought to be fair use is creating cockroach-like, drug-resistant strains...like Opentape. Also, we reveal the Internet's biggest security hole, an iPhone ad is banned, and an iPhone app is banned (Apple only did the second one). | ||||
798 | There is no poop, so leave the diamonds alone | Thursday, August 28, 2008 | [39] | [40] |
It's a tortured analogy sort of day, including some confusing stuff about water and water bottles and then a whole long thing about a sandbox, poop, and dirty diamonds. You'll love it. In the actual news today, the IE8 beta arrives (has it solved the malicious cross-scripting problem!?), and several judges seem to have actually visited the Internet. And so did Aaron Sorkin! And he liked it! | ||||
799 | Pop a cap in your usage | Friday, August 29, 2008 | [41] | [42] |
Comcast comes clean with its bandwidth cap: it's coming, it's coming in October, it's 250GB, and they won't give you any tools for monitoring their use, and if you exceed your cap twice, you get the boot for a year. So, we have a little fun with that. Also, a little fun with IE 8 Beta 2 bugs, the lack of Kindle this year, and the pseudo-alphabetical distribution of spam. |