The following is a list of Buzz Out Loud episodes that aired in August 2005.
Episode numbers listed in italics have not yet been audibly confirmed.
Episode Guides
Most Recent On Top
- Jan - 1380 -
- Dec - 1361 - 1379
- Nov - 1346 - 1360
- Oct - 1325 - 1345
- Sept - 1304 - 1324
- Aug - 1282 - 1303
- Jul - 1261 - 1281
- Jun - 1239 - 1260
- May - 1219 - 1238
- Apr - 1197 - 1218
- March - 1175 - 1196
- Feb - 1156 - 1174
- Jan - 1038 - 1155
- Dec - 1116 - 1137
- Nov - 1097 - 1115
- Oct - 1075 - 1096
- Sept - 1054 - 1074
- Aug - 1032 - 1053
- Jul - 1009 - 1031
- Jun - 986 - 1008
- May - 965 - 985
- Apr - 943 - 964
- March - 921 - 942
- Feb - 902 - 920
- Jan - 883 - 901
- Dec - 862 - 882
- Nov - 844 - 861
- Oct - 821 - 843
- Sept - 800 - 820
- Aug - 779 - 799
- Jul - 757 - 778
- Jun - 736 - 756
- May - 715 - 735
- Apr - 693 - 714
- March - 672 - 692
- Feb - 652 - 671
- Jan - 632 - 651
- Dec - 615 - 631
- Nov - 595 - 614
- Oct - 572 - 594
- Sept - 552 - 571
- Aug - 529 - 551
- July - 508 - 528
- June - 486 - 507
- May - 464 - 485
- Apr - 443 - 463
- March - 421 - 441
- Feb - 402 - 420
- Jan - 382 - 401
- Dec - 367 - 381
- Nov - 346 - 366
- Oct - 324 - 345
- Sept - 304 - 323
- Aug - 281 - 303
- July - 262 - 280
- June - 240 - 261
- May - 218 - 239
- Apr - 198 - 217
- March - 176 - 197
- Feb - 156 - 175
- Jan - 136 - 155*
Ep # | Title | Original Airdate | Link | MP3 |
41 | Regulate this, Internet! | Monday, August 1, 2005 | N/A | [1] |
Tom and Tim Moynihan hosts. More people watching TV on the net. Discussion on regulation of the internet. Light saber prop sold for $200,000. | ||||
42 | Is Firefox for-profit? The horror! | Wednesday, August 3, 2005 | N/A | [2] |
First cloned dog. How to put some elevators in express mode. Mozilla Foundation has setup a for-profit corporation for “tax purposes”. Podcast will be everyday starting next week. | ||||
43 | Here Apple comes to save the day! | Friday, August 5, 2005 | N/A | [3] |
Apple has released the Mighty Mouse. Veronica sticks up for Apple. Vista has its first virus. DSL is going to be deregulated? Google will not talk to c/net because they Googled the Google CEO and wrote about what they found. | ||||
44 | Special guest Brian Cooley! | Wednesday, August 10, 2005 | N/A | [4] |
Molly and Brian Cooley host. Blu-ray is doing its own DRM different than HD-DVD. Daylight savings time changed again. CAN-SPAM act lets AOL take a spammer’s H2 and gold bars. Toyota says 25% of their cars will be hybrids by 2010. | ||||
45 | What's the deal with the iPod patent? You tell us | Monday, August 15, 2005 | N/A | [5] |
We get confused over the iPod patent, Google and Apple (maybe) combining their powers? And some of the frightened masses head back to IE. | ||||
46 | Not even Apples are worth peeing over. | Wednesday, August 17, 2005 | N/A | [6] |
Molly and Veronica discuss the new virus alert, Apple mob mishaps, porn and the White House. | ||||
47 | The triumphant return of Tom! | Monday, August 22, 2005 | N/A | [7] |
Tom is back! A lively discussion on violence, mice, puppies and beans ensues. | ||||
48 | Google IM and fishy firmware. | Tuesday, August 23, 2005 | N/A | [8] |
Discussion about the Google IM rumor, Google Desktop update, and more. | ||||
49 | Google, Google and more Google. | Wednesday, August 24, 2005 | N/A | [9] |
More Google than you could probably ever hope to hear about. | ||||
50 | Of spam, piracy and porn. | Thursday, August 25, 2005 | N/A | [10] |
Tom and Tim dicuss the pressing issues of the day. | ||||
51 | Measles, iPod batteries and meltin' DVDs. | Friday, August 26, 2005 | N/A | [11] |
If anyone from Microsoft sends you an attachment called measles.exe, don’t open it. | ||||
52 | Molly phones home; speculation over Google and Apple. | Monday, August 29, 2005 | N/A | [12] |
What will Google and Apple think of next? Also, we are the healthiest people ever! Find out why. | ||||
53 | Is it an iPod cell phone? Special guest Lee Koo. | Tuesday, August 30, 2005 | N/A | [13] |
Looks like it might be the cell phone after all for Apple. Also, discussion about the CNET Community. | ||||
54 | What you can do to help victims of Katrina. | Wednesday, August 31, 2005 | N/A | [14] |
Steps on giving aid to hurricane victims, and why it’s not a good idea to wait on putting a patent on something. |