Flux at the Bighouse STS-133 NASA Tweetup 1.0 - Nov 2010
Flux is a Computer Infrastructure Engineer by day, wannabe photographer by night, techie, and is an avid BOL listener and #cnetfans member.
My job as a computer infrastructure engineer pays the bills, but I dabble in DJing, Tech, Space Stuff (NASA, Shuttlehugger, etc), NFL Football (Who Dey!).
I'm the Co-Founder of Music Integrated Clothing, a clothing line with all of the designs related to music.
I had the honor and privilege of being selected for the STS-133 NASA Tweetup at Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
I long for the days of Gadgettes and It's About Time because I love watches ;)
On The Web[]
Check out my personal site at http://flux.fm, as well as my "when I get around to it" IT blog at http://itnervecenter.com
Feel free to peruse all of my sites listed below. If you want to get a hold of me, hitting me up on Twitter is the best.
Thanks for stopping by.
Enjoy, Flux
External Links[]
- http://flux.fm
- http://twitter.com/therealdjflux
- http://www.youtube.com/user/therealdjflux
- http://flickr.com/photos/therealdjflux/sets/
- http://audioboo.fm/therealdjflux
- http://www.miclothing.com
- http://twitter.com/miclothing
- http://itnervecenter.com
- http://www.pandora.com/people/therealdjflux
- http://flickr.com/photos/musicintegrated/sets/
- http://foursquare.com/user/therealdjflux
- http://friendfeed.com/miclothing
- http://friendfeed.com/therealdjflux
- http://www.linkedin.com/in/andyrechenberg
- http://user.gdgt.com/djflux/