Buzz Out Loud Wiki

Brief intro[]

This is an attempt to unify several scattered compilations of BOL's best moments.

Record memorable moments as they happen and work toward this year's Best Moments episode. Contribute please!

Best moments of 2010[]



Episode date Episode number Video/Audio Who's talking Start time End time Who suggested Comments
02/01/2010 1156 36:32 37:34 Lightningboy7 Scottie the engineer with a Star Trek voice
02/18/2010 1168 35:00 (add later) kevin_c Ubisoft DRM
02/22/2010 1170 36:56 and 41:40 (add later) kevin_c Pickleback Group / LOL Airport
02/26/2010 1174 Tom Merritt 35:44 (add later) kevin_c Tom doing an Australian accent


Episode date Episode number Video/Audio Who's talking Start time End time Who suggested Comments
03/01/2010 1175 Audio 34:05, 37:23, 38:16 (add later) kevin_c Tanker Captains, Buttocks Meatloaf
03/02/2010 1176 Audio 25:11 (add later) kevin_c F1 Key
03/04/2010 1178 Audio 33:10 (add later) kevin_c Pimped Out Lexus
03/08/2010 1180 Audio Jason 25:15 (add later) kevin_c Jason Voice
03/19/2010 1188 Audio 00:15, 40:34 (add later) kevin_c Just the three of us
03/26/2010 1193 Audio Molly 16:00 (add later) kevin_c This is not a fun sandbox
03/29/2010 1194 Audio Tom, Molly, Jason, Brian Tong 26:48 28:28 Ampbol Electronic underpants, (data) wipe, pee2pee, wet texting


Episode date Episode number Video/Audio Who's talking Start time End time Who suggested Comments
04/08/2010 1202 Audio Tom, Molly, Jason 13:10 13:57 ampbol ATT, FCC, WTF, LFMO, BRB,...
04/15/2010 1207 Audio Molly, Tom, Donald 5:40 11:18 hayjude99 The Best Molly/MerritRant In Forever or Just In a Long Time
04/30/2010 1218 Audio Molly, Rafe 35:20 35:40 ampbol Gangster Molly


Episode date Episode number Video/Audio Who's talking Start time End time Who suggested Comments
05/03/2010 1219 Audio Jason, Brian, Molly 36:55 37:10 ampbol Remix
05/03/2010 1219 Audio Molly, Tom, Brian 37:20 37:34 ampbol "get into the squarespace or forget about it..."
05/04/2010 1220 Audio Tom, Molly, Jason 2:30 3:00 ampbol Get a ((tele)conference) room
05/04/2010 1220 Audio Tom, Jason, Molly 30:09 31:18 ampbol May the fourth be with you...
05/04/2010 1220 Audio Tom, Molly, Jason 26:20 27:06 ampbol (Delicious) nano dots
05/07/2010 1223 Audio Molly, Brian, Jason 12:40 13:18 ampbol Every step you take/We'll be stalking you
05/07/2010 1223 Audio Molly, Brian, Jason 20:40 20:56 ampbol Watchdogs
05/10/2010 1224 Audio Tom 33:30 34:40 kevin_c Tom Rants on Drive
05/11/2010 1225 Audio Tom, Brian 10:52 11:10 kevin_c Slamming Balls


Episode date Episode number Video/Audio Who's talking Start time End time Who suggested Comments
06/30/2010 1260 Video Darren, Molly 10:20 10:45 ampbol Big leak
06/30/2010 1260 Video Molly, Darren 22:12 23:00 ampbol Death by penises
06/30/2010 1260 Video Darren, Molly, Jason 31:03 31:25 ampbol Peanut easter egg
06/30/2010 1260 Video Darren, Molly, Jason 31:35 32:00 ampbol Shoutouts


Episode date Episode number Video/Audio Who's talking Start time End time Who suggested Comments
07/01/2010 1261 Audio Jason, Brian, Molly 00:30 01:20 ampbol Canada
07/02/2010 1262 Audio Jason, Rafe, Donald 36:10 38:25 ampbol Unicorn of Rock
07/06/2010 1263 Audio Brian, Rafe 07:58 08:15 ampbol Shooting kittens
07/07/2010 1264 Video Rafe, Darren, Jason 00:29 01:10 ampbol Hooray
07/07/2010 1264 Video Darren, Rafe 13:50 14:39 ampbol Sexy browsers
07/08/2010 1265 Video Donald, Jason, Molly, Rafe 35:20 36:38 ampbol Remix requests
07/09/2010 1266 Video Brian, Molly, Rafe 16:17 16:38 ampbol Licking
07/09/2010 1266 Video Brian, Molly, Rafe 18:30 19:10 ampbol Genuine positivity
07/09/2010 1266 Video Molly, Brian, Rafe 35:08 35:38 ampbol Deep insights
07/13/2010 1268 Video Donald, Rafe, Jason 18:00 18:55 ampbol Donald's wipe ideas
07/14/2010 1269 Video Molly, Rafe, Darren 04:15 04:58 ampbol BOLoveTalk
07/14/2010 1269 Video Molly, Rafe, Darren 31:17 31:50 ampbol Poolboy ringtone
07/28/2010 1279 Video Kiki, Rafe 20:45 21:12 ampbol Strong, beefy, robust correlation
07/28/2010 1279 Video Kiki, Rafe 22:28 22:50 ampbol Touchable Leia


Episode date Episode number Video/Audio Who's talking Start time End time Who suggested Comments
08/03/2010 1283 Audio Molly, Rafe, Jason 12:37 13:00 nick_dev "Jinx, Coke, You owe me a poke! No, wait."


Episode date Episode number Video/Audio Who's talking Start time End time Who suggested Comments
09/28/2010 1317 Audio Molly, Donald, Brian 12:00 12:45 ampbol Saddling up and letting it all hang out


Episode date Episode number Video/Audio Who's talking Start time End time Who suggested Comments
11/22/2010 1356 Audio Molly, Brian 36:44 38:41 BeachBum2020 Poop

Best moments from the past[]


Episode date Episode number Video/Audio Who's talking Start time End time Who suggested Comments
Jan. 2, 2009 883 Tom 09:54 10:20 Rafa Yahoo selling at a garage sale
Jan. 2, 2009 883 Molly 12:30 13:10 Sanitarium Google prophecy by Molly, Scary prophecy of Android? What's next???
Jan. 2, 2009 883 Tom 16:26 16:38 Rafa MySpace to flee the planet
Jan. 5, 2009 884 Tom, Molly, Jason, Natali 01:50 03:45 Mr qwerty888 Steve Jobs' health - Hormonal Imbalance
Jan. 5, 2009 884 Tom, Molly 22:50 23:10 Rafa Don't worry, it's just a beta, "It will start to suck" - Molly
Jan. 5, 2009 883 Natali, Molly 37:47 37:59 Rafa What is wrong with me?
Jan. 6, 2009 885 Jason, Molly, Tom 00:19 00:41 Rafa Podcasting from Southwest airlines, "We're totally breaking the law..." - Tom
Jan. 7, 2009 886 Brian Tong, Natali, Tom 10:52 11:15 Rafa Going to the movies is expensive, "Take your date in a bag" - Tom
Jan. 8 2009 887 Molly, Tom 14:01 14:27 Rafa A demonstration version of a porno
Jan. 8 009 887 Molly, Tom, Natali 19:45 20:16 Rafa Introducing: the sony NOTbook, "Labels make money!" - Molly
Jan. 8, 2009 887 Molly, Tom 22:24 22:44 Rafa The omnidirectional booboody-blah, "That's not my area" - Molly
Jan. 28, 2009 899 Tom from Minneapolis 38:07 38:34 Kengray Solving the hybrid car problem
Feb. 2, 2009 902 Molly 11:04 12:34 Rafa Mollyrant about the digital transition, "That's bullhockey" - Molly
Feb. 2, 2009 902 Molly, Tom 22:35 23:08 Rafa Netflix screaming, "I CAN'T STAND STANDARD DEF!" - Tom
Feb. 2, 2009 902 Molly, Jason 31:09 31:29 Rafa Virgin America Contest, "I'm sold!" - Jason
Feb. 2, 2009 902 Tom 40:17 41:19 Rafa Email from CrankyCanuck, How many bottles of whisky?
Feb. 4, 2009 904 Tom, Jason, Donald, Natali 17:36 18:33 Rafa The US$1 laptop, "It's one cracker jack phone!" - Natali
Feb. 9, 2009 907 Molly, Tom 03:40 04:10 Rafa Like, just... prima facy or whatever, "That was just douchy and I apologize" - Molly
Feb. 23, 2009 916 Natali 01:08 01:58 Rafa This experience is horrendous, "I would rather have an enema" - Natali
Feb. 24, 2009 917 Brian Tong, Molly 11:51 12:20 Rafa Backing up vudu movies, "I kinda wanna break it" - Molly
Feb. 24, 2009 917 Molly 15:14 16:07 Rafa Mollyrant about iTunes update, iTunes is a bloated turd.
Mar. 5, 2009 924 Tom 05:14 05:45 Rafa It raises questions, "And these are the questions it raises" - Tom
Mar. 5, 2009 924 Tom, Molly 08:51 09:11 Rafa Blackberry App World Theme park, "Ride the purchasing at App World" - Tom
Mar. 5, 2009 924 Tom, Molly 14:40 15:28 Rafa The DTV transition is happening, "It's as simple as that" - Tom
Mar. 5, 2009 924 Tom, Molly, Brian Tong 22:55 24:01 Rafa Stealing candy bars, "Also, I stole guns." - Molly
Mar. 6, 2009 925 Tom, Veronica, Donald Bell 00:30 01:02 Rafa The bells representing, "It's the carol of the bells!" - Tom
Mar. 6, 2009 925 Tom, Veronica 10:25 11:03 Rafa Switching to the Palm Pre, "Some of those people might be called Tom." - Tom
May 1, 2009 965 Molly, Rafe, Brian Cooley 0:44 0:54 Mudmonster37_9 Hate each other so much, "They hate each other so much, they went in different directions" - Rafe
Jun. 1, 2009 986 Nicole Lee, Molly 30:28 Kieran Durcan Plum, "If Palm and Apple did hook up, what would their enterprise be called" - Tom
Jun. 1, 2009 986 Molly 37:00 37:07 Kieran Durcan Plum, "Plum, I love that!" - Molly
Jun. 23, 2009 1003 Natali, Tom, Brian_Tong 30:27 31:25 Posaune Natali getting stuck in her headphone cord


Episode date Episode number Video/Audio Who's talking Start time End time Who suggested Comments
Feb. 22, 2008 666 Tom, Molly, Jason 00:14 00:44 Sanitarium Sign of the Devil





Thanks to Lightningboy7, Commorancy, Rafa and Kengray for spearheading efforts in the past (and anyone else who has done this sort of thing)!